Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First things first

Well, look at me go.  I feel like lots has happened since my last post.  A lot of "firsts"  for our little love.  A few good, and a few not so much. We'll start with the good!

Almost overnight, Sofie found her balance and went from sitting up for about a minute; to minutes at a time.  I hardly help her anymore, except when she whips her head around distracted by something/someone or tries to grab a nearby toy...she will "timberrrr" over. 

She also crawled with her legs and moved forward!  She can do the leg part pretty well, and will only move her hands forward if we tease her with our phones.  Yes, she loves our phones already!   It's an age of technology, ain't it? ;)

Soooo, last week I decided to re-up our Mountainside gym memberships and sign up for child care.  Though I really enjoy working out at home with the one of many beachbody dvd's we own; I also didn't realize how unmotivated I could get being home all the time.  I'm pretty stoked about being able to focus on my workout, and I know that the childcare is legit (i used to work there back in my younger days).  Welp, after day 2; Sofie got sick.  It was bound to happen, and I'm really lucky that she has been pretty healthy up until this point.  le sigh.  It makes for a sad mama to see her little boo boo sick for the very first time.
She has been sick since Thursday and I'm beyond ready for her to feel better.  Her little raspy voice is the cutest and saddest thing I've ever heard. Poor thing has so much congestion and a nasty cough that wakes her from a deep slumber. She had a fever only one night, and I pray that the worst is behind us.  We have lotsa sleep to catch up on! I'm so lucky that Rob helps me out in the mornings.  Whether she is sick or not, he always changes her diaper and puts her back to sleep or spends quality time with her so i can sleep in (Sleeping in til 7:30am counts right?)

Here are a few tips I've learned while she has been sicky:

-Humidifiers are amazing! (Thanks Tanicka!)  Especially with some drops of Eucalyptus essential oil
-Saline spray is like a neti pot for baby. Get the gunk loosened up and suck it out with the aspirator. *Poor baby hates this because it makes her cough even more than she already does.*
-Prop baby up so the gunk can drain. *Was recommended by a pediatrician to put books underneath the mattress to elevate it, and hallelujah; it has been a lifesaver.
-Make sure to take temperature a few times if you use the "in-the-ear" thermometer.  Sounds obvious right?  I almost missed the fact that she had a fever of 100.2.
-Sometimes all you need is a little sunshine and some fresh air.  *If only this cured all of our sick and sad days.  But really, being cooped up sick is no fun.  We still went about our lives, but took it as easy as possible.
sicky poo
I'm thinking this is a sign that we need to slowwwww down.  I got all congested and sick alongside Sofie the first few days. We have just been on the go, and then trying to recover from being sick for almost 2 months now.

Phew! March has just been craaazzzzyyyy.  St. Patty's weekend was super fun.  Game night & family time @ Casa de Duarte's on Saturday.  On Sunday, we celebrated Desiree's youngest, Reagan's 1st bday, so cute! Then we went to Papa Chris & Gamber's house for some grub. Sheesh.

cutest little leprechaun everrr
This last weekend, we managed to still attend 2 baby showers to celebrate the upcoming arrivals of baby Marley & baby Elijah.  So happy for both Monique & Paulina, as well as their hubbies.  What a blessing it is hear about these miracle babies on the way!  The weather was just perfect.

Also, Rob & I signed up for the Neon run with Bre & Jason on Saturday night.  Man, it was the worst event we ever attended.  Don't get me wrong, we had fun and made the best of it.  But to sit in traffic for an hour to travel approx 5 miles, almost not have a parking spot (which we paid for), no timing of the race or taking pics, the lack of "neon" being sprayed & black lights, oy vey.....must I go on?  We actually jumped the fence near our car and went to Papa Chuy's (Los Favs) for some delish mexican food to cheer us up.  Did I mention the workers abandoned their station to spray us with the neon shtuff? Damn you Groupon!  Haha, oh well. It was fun to hang out with some of our best friends.
Things to look forward to: Michelle's bday, Easter, aaaand in T-minus 1 month we shall be in Rocky Point to participate in the Las Palomas Triathlon, hey yooo. Can't wait!

Postpartum Lex:  I forgot to mention on my last post that the dreadful hair loss has begun.  Fortunately, I have so much dang hair...I don't really notice except after I shower and I began to pull out more hair than usual. I tend to shed a lot anyway, so it's not so dreadful after all.

Welp, another bread crumb dropped.  Time to take some Mucinex & Emergen-c and get my beauty sleep.

Until next time,

Baby mama Lex

Thursday, March 14, 2013

5 months old!

Holy Guacamole, can ya believe it?  Meant to update a few weeks ago, but you know how it goes.  Been busy playing catch up from vacation and this lingering sickness Rob & I were unfortunate enough to deal with. Boo!

First things first, here are the updated 5 month pics/stats:

 I will elaborate on the white board info:
*New noises: she loves to "talk" and most recently, scream & squeal in excitement.  making new giggle noises and raspberry noises. pretty sure she likes to hear herself do all of the above. hehe
*Baby Food: Started Sofie on baby food when we got back from our trip.  I gave her carrots first, and played around mixing it with breast milk and/or rice cereal.  She made a silly face, but most of the time would finish eating. A week or so ago, I incorporated sweet potato. Of course, she loves it! Haha, like mother like daughter!  So I've been mixing it with carrots here and there.  Today she tried pears and also really liked it. I love seeing her reaction, it's adorbs!
*Sitting up: Ok, so I mentioned last month she was so close...guess I jumped the gun on that.  She can sit up by herself for about 1 minute.  We both noticed that she likes to have her binky in her mouth when she is trying something new, I think it helps her concentrate.
*Nicknames:  Rob & I have so many silly nicknames, we like to switch it up. Sofie, Sof, Chunky Monkey, Monkey, Super Baby, Little Love, Munchkin, Lil Miss, Baby Girl, Miss Independent, Bright Eyes, Babes & Boo Boo (not from TLC, from Yogi Bear!)
*Sleeping: About 2 weeks ago, she began to consistently 9-11 hours at night.  That means no more getting up to nurse at 3-4 am, hallelujah.  She is such a good little sleeper, I really lucked out!
*Crawling?: She's got all the moves, getting on hands and knees, doing her pushups, moving around, pulling her legs up, etc  Just gotta put it all together. She'll be all over the place soon, yikes!
*Play time: Still loves her bumbo, jungle gym, Sophie the Giraffe, bouncer with music, reading books, and is totally infatuated with her feet.  She also loves when I tickle her with my hair or a scarf, she could do that for hours if I let her! Haha.
*Ticklish!: Also ticklish under her arm pits, ribs, feet, thighs, and neck.  Depends on her mood, oh and of course she loves daddy's 3 day old scruff.
*Morning Baby:  She is a morning person like us!  Usually up between 6-7am. Extra happy, extra smiley, loves to play, and is very active.
**Edit*** She weighed in at 15 lbs 

Total epic fail on the white board, but I'm 100% sure she is slowly cutting her first tooth!  It's on the bottom right and her gums are white and you can feel it trying to push through. Poor little babes!

 Comparison time:
 Here are some of my faves from our mini photo shoot:
An example of Lil Miss "On the go"

She started in the middle of her gym, and within 10 minutes managed to get onto the carpet each time.  Crazy little lady!

Continuing the photo bomb, I couldn't resist buying her this play cell phone:
She really likes her bouncer!
Not sure how much longer I'm gonna do "weekly" pics:
Mama & Mini me photo shoot:

Finally got around to putting this up on the wall. Auntie Mo & Uncle Toddles made this, i love it!
 I can't wait for them to move back to AZ this summer, I miss my bestest! It's practically been 10 years since we lived in the same city, and 6 years since we lived in the same state.  So crazy!  I've already told Monica to get ready to join my wine club, oops, I mean book club!  All kidding aside, I am so glad we got the ball rollin' on book club.  It was a blast and I was pleased with how well everyone hit it off, considering it was a kind of like a mixer. 

Rob took Sofie over to Joan & Jody's for daddy duty and came home lookin like this:
Studly man, he is! Joan is hosting the next one and we decided to make a fun craft.  Wine glasses dipped in chalkboard paint, thank you Pinterest!
I'm also really excited about getting a new necklace to add my "sofia" charm to:
Target necklace only $5!

Rob & I were lucky enough to have a day date that included pedi's and some shopping.  So grateful that we have grandparents that live close by to babysit and a "kinda-sorta" metrosexual hubby that enjoys a nice pedicure ;)
Mmk, back to the munchkin.  Her latest "awww so cute!" moment is having to cuddle up to one of her blanket buddies(not sure what they are called. it's like a small blanky/stuffed animal; it's genius!) when she soothes herself to sleep. Sooo sweet!
The only thing she is a diva about is how she goes to sleep. Has to be on her belly, covered with a blanket and sometimes with one of her little blanket buddies. Don't forget the binky! Last few days, however, she has been rolling on her side or on her back. Silly girl!  I think it's a growth spurt week on top of that toofer comin through.

Currently, I'm trying to say "mama" & "dada" to see if she will copy me.  Apparently she likes to copy Lily, so it looks like Suzie and I need more play dates so she can learn from a peer instead of her persistent mother! haha. 

It really is hard to believe our precious baby girl is 5 months old, time really has flown by.  I can't imagine my life without her, she brings so much joy & laughter to our lives. So very blessed.  Sometimes we all get caught up in daily stress and trying to keep up with it all, so I try my best to take a moment to just enjoy life.  She is only gonna be this little right now, so if she lets me snuggle her (which isn't often, Miss Independent likes to play!) I take a break from doing the laundry or washing the dishes and just sit in the glider or in bed and cuddle her up. 

Postpartum Lex:

Kinda sucks, but I've been sick on & off since we got back from our trip.  It's a vicious cycle, because I lack the energy to do a workout, but know that once I do any type of exercise I will get that energy that I need. le sigh, just need to do it to it.  I'm surprised I'm not as bummed about not being back to my pre-pregnancy weight as quickly, I guess I am just focusing more on being a mommy than trying to get into MILF shape ASAP.  It's tricky with the whole breast feeding thing, I'm a little paranoid ever since I overdid it right before our trip.  Other than that, it's also been a challenge to balance being at home and remembering to get out of the house or get some adult interaction.  It can get lonely being at home all the time, but it can also be overwhelming to fill up your schedule with too many play dates, errands, or visitors.  Just gotta find a happy balance.

I think that just about does it for this edition.  This month is a busy one with birthdays and baby showers, so we shall see ya next month!

