Friday, July 20, 2012

Sweet baby girl!

Ok, so I just can't wait til next week to update about our ultrasound today. I'm too giddy!  First things first, this ultrasound was order by my doc to check my placenta (it was lying low) and the GREAT news is that it is sittin' nice and high; where it should be. Yay! Operation: Natural Birth is still a go. ♥  After our awesome tech (whom, btw, did our very 1st ultrasound when we found out we were preggers with baby Sofie) got all the necessary measurements, we had some fun in our attempts to get some good pictures of her sweet face.  As per usual, our little babe has her own agenda and apparently was in the middle of a somersault-position for her afternoon nap.  Her feet were up by her face blocking our vision, even her hands would go up there and add to our challenge. After turning from side to side and using this vibrating buzzer (funniest thing EVER! it definitely woke her little booty up) we managed to get some awesome face shots.  It was obvious we woke her up, because she kept yawning and we even got to see her eyes flutter open for a second. So cute! Rob and I are just head over heels in love with her!

Isn't technology great?! Such coool pictures.  We also found out that she is measuring about a week ahead of schedule (I think 9/28) and weighs 3lbs and 7 oz already.  WHOA MAMA! My baby iPhone apps says she should weigh about 2.5 lbs. Yay for a happy and healthy baby, that's what we want.  I'm not sure if this means she will come early, or if she will just be a little chunky monkey. Either way, as long as she is healthy; we are blessed!

I love my baby. I love myself. I am blessed.

Speaking of,  (loving myself, yeah i know...) I had my first experience with a stranger commenting on how HUGE my belly is.  Some lady said "Ooh girl, you look like you're about ready to pop!!!"  I replied "Wow, really? I still have at least 2 months to go, haha"  Anyway, it was kind of an awkward exchange and I thought maybe it would annoy me. But guess what? I love my belly! Sure, it gives me pretty bad aches and pains and I move slower than molasses...but my baby and I are both healthy and that is what matters. So hmmmph!  Haha, just thought I'd share. Oh man, the things people say to pregnant ladies....too funny.  That is a whole other post in itself. Am I right ladies?

Mmk, well I'm ready to start the weekend with handsome hubby.  Real quick: I wanted to take a moment of silence and pray for the victims and loved ones that were affected by the senseless tragedy that occurred in Aurora, CO.  And even though most will wish harm on the shooter, he needs our prayers too. He is twisted and could have used some professional help to avoid such a tragedy.

Peace & Love,


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