I have to be honest, I'm still trying to figure out how to use this website. I kinda wish i would have put more thought into which blog website to use. I see a lot of bloggers (via pinterest) that use blogspot, which is through google/gmail. I just may hafta transition over one day. Especially since I have gotten some feedback that comments are not working. Hmmph. Any recommendations from any bloggers? Eh, whatev
So this weekend was pretty awesome. The baby shower was a success and Michelle did an amazing job. A HUGE shout out to her and anyone who helped her put it together. We feel so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives. I had so much fun celebrating Sofia's upcoming arrival with so many great people. We were spoiled with lotsa baby stuff and so many cute outfits! I can't wait to play dress up, that's why we have girls right? Hehe. Sunday, we had our maternity photo shoot with Monique Hessler Photography (check her out!). For realsies: best. photo. session. ever. I really don't like taking professional pics, I feel like a dork and awkward 95% of the time. This was the first time I actually relaxed and had fun! That means a lot to me when I'm already feeling like the 7 month pregnant lady that I am (uncomfortable and swollen! haha) I made a gallery on here, but have no clue how to display it. It's a work in progress, so until then here are a few of my faves:

I can't even express how happy I am that we did these professionally, and especially with Monique. It makes me that much more stoked about the hospital shoot and even more so for newborn pics!
So far this week, my time has been consumed with how to organize all the baby stuff. Boy oh boy, it is overwhelming! Especially when I'm so tired, blah...can someone give me some extra energy? mmkthanks! I really need to up my yoga, haha. I need to up my "A" game in general. We just got done with our first prenatal appointment with our doula, Amanda and it went awesome! I wasn't sure how we were gonna make 2 hours go by, but it just flew by talking about so many things. It's amazing that just by feeling more knowledgeable, it can instill this confidence and empowerment. I get really excited talking about D-day because no matter what happens; we get to finally see, hold, and love on our baby Sofia Rose!
Ok, so just like any other challenge in life, I decided to set some mini goals in order to achieve my ultimate goal.
1. Yoga or stretching every day (even if it's for 15 min)
2. Drink pregnancy tea (from my doc's office) 2-3 times a day
3. Drink 1 juice a day
4. Read positive affirmations every day (maybe stick on the mirror?)
I think that's a good start, we shall see how it goes! It's time for some belly stats. I didn't do a picture with my handy, dandy dry erase board. The maternity pics were taken at exactly 32 weeks 1 day.

How far along: 32 weeks 1 day
Baby is the size of a: large jicama (dang, now i want some jicama with chamoy)
Total weight gain: 37 lbs (major growth spurt the last 2 weeks-ish)
Maternity clothes: non-maternity comfy skirts and comfy tank tops.
Stretch marks? still the same duo
Sleep: seriously, this carpal tunnel is messing with my zzz's. luckily, i started to wear those wrist thingy-majiggy's
Best moment this week: Baby Shower & Maternity pics! Such a great weekend ♥
Miss Anything? having energy, it's depleting. help!
Movement: Yes, yes, yes! love it
Food cravings: Pizza, i swear every commercial or show on TV is featuring pizza...haha
Anything making you queasy or sick: still can't figure it out, but in the morning i feel a little icky after breakfast
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope, we need more cookin' time!
Symptoms: the usual: back aches, leg cramps, pelvic pressure, carpal tunnel, a little tummy ickiness, burps and fatigue. did i mention fatigue? oh geeez
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? off. tried to put it on for maternity pics...that was funny and pathetic at the same time. SMH, haha
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy happy! a little emotional, but i kinda blame the fatigue making me a little cranky
Looking forward to: Besides the obvious: our little love finally arriving. looking forward to some R&R this weekend on our staycation, a prenatal massage (Thanks again Scott & Jess!), and lounging by the pool with Rob. only 2 more days!
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