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3 month stats |
I just love that smile! I have a funny story to share about this picture. So today we decided to meet up with Rob for our first lunch date since his company moved to a new building. It was a late start & I decided to wait on doing the "3 month mini photoshoot". When we got home it was time to feed her and get her dolled up. Last 2 times, she managed to spit up on her white onesie before and/or during these little photoshoots. Boy oh boy, I wasn't expecting what happened next. As I was feeding her, she decided to take a poop. Typical Sofie, haha. I had a bad feeling, because she hadn't yet pooped...so I knew it was gonna be a big one. Sure enough, she had a blowout and it leaked the diaper and was almost up her back. I was at a fork in the road. Wash these clothes and try again later, or lay an extra blanket and take the photos right quick! Don't judge me, but I chose the latter! Haha. She is always so pleased with herself when she has big poop, hence the big smile. Oh, the joys of motherhood!
On a less messy note, she is officially in her own room full time! It kinda just happened one night, I would usually wake her for one more feeding and bring her to our room. But, decided to just let sleeping beauty be. I had the pack'n'play away from the bed as a baby step towards transitioning her (I'm the one that needed the baby steps! haha) So far, she has slept through the night *12 hours* a handful of times. Normally, she goes down between 7-8 and wakes up around 4. Usually goes right back to sleep, except the last 2 days. I will cross my fingers it's the whole "growth spurt" thing. I'm just anxious for a routine, but need to be patient. I just miss working out consistently, oh well. It will happen.
That reminds me! So so so so proud of the hubby for working his butt off at work. He earned a spot at Infusionsoft's President's Club in Grand Cayman! He really is amazing and truly dedicated himself last year to win this trip. So it's official, we are going in one month! I don't think I will be as "beach body" ready as I hoped, but that's ok. Doesn't mean I'm not motivated to squeeze in any type of exercise when I can. Plus, it's our first big vacation as a family; that's what's important. Yay!
Mmk, back to Princess Sofia. I'm just in awe at this monthly comparison. I miss her being so tiny!
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Months 1, 2, & 3 |
This is why I chose the lyrics from Taylor Swift's Never Grow Up, because it's true! I want her to stay little forever, yet I love watching her grow. It's a very funny feeling ;) le sigh
Rob & I also went on our 1st date night without the baby, it was so nice! Thanks Nana for babysitting, you rock! We had dinner at Cantina Laredo and watched The Hobbit. It was so much fun and wonderful to have some quality time with him. Definitely gonna try and do that monthly.
Welp, that's gonna be it for today. Gotta finish up some laundry before the little one wakes up. She is only on her 2nd nap of the day, crazy lady!
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