Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer Lovin' Update

Hello, hello, hello! Even though it is hotter than a mug out there, I love me some summertime.  Our pool will be swim ready after this weekend and we are so stoked!  I woke up one morning and had this vision of Sofie waking up at 6am (as usual) on a Saturday morning and running into our room to say "Mommy, Daddy, can we go swimming yet? Please! Please!" Hehe
The "Hegarty Retreat"
 We are very proud to share that Sofie has completed her ISR training!  We absolutely LOVE our instructor Krista, with East Valley Infant Swim and continued to go for several weeks after she learned her new skills to get more practice.  I am telling you; this little dolphin loves the water.  Yes, i know, your kid does too.  But for realsies, she seriously really, really, really does.  She has no fear and wants to walk in and swim as soon as we would show up to lessons.  She could be plunged into the water or swallow too much water, and she would come up and float with a smile on her face.  Goofball!

Pic by Krista Fawler

Pic by Krista Fawler

Had so much fun!

Yay ISR!
Since my last post, our little munchkin has turned into a total sponge.  I don't even know where to start.  She has been learning her shapes and especially likes to try and pronounce words like "pentagon" & "octagon".  She is obsessed with flash cards and learning letters too! We absolutely love this phase. She is so eager to learn and picks up things very easily.  I have been trying to curb my "potty mouth" and started to say "Aww man!"  like Swiper says on Dora.  So now I hear, "Oh no!  Aw man!!!"  It's the cutest.thing.ever!

 We have been having an awesome summer so far, but it can be challenging to find "activities" to do with such an active tot.  Playdates galore, and we love it!  Thankfully, we still go to The Little Gym once a week and most recently started an art class in Gilbert called Messy Monsters.  It's great to look forward to meeting up with friends Addi, Emma, and Lily too! Hopefully soon she will be interested in sitting longer than 30 seconds to partake in the actual craft that we do, haha. le sigh
Messy Monsters!
Making a frame for Father's Day!

Holding hands, so adorbs!

Little Gym shenanigans
Tired cuties, Sofie & Emma

Elijah came to visit!

Jace & "his girl" hehe

Playdate @ Vinny's

Zoo Day with cousins Alora & AJ!
Being a stay-at-home mom is a lot busier than some would expect, and I love every minute of it.  I think it has been so good for Sofie to get various types of social interaction, and it is refreshing to have some adult conversations for myself too.  
This weekend Rob & I are headed to Gallup, NM for the Lyson/De Young wedding. Yay! So incredibly happy for them and looking forward to a great celebration.  Sofie will be staying home and Papa & Nana (Gamber) are sweet enough to take care of her while we are gone.  I feel so blessed and grateful that we live so close to the grandparents to be able to do trips & date nights.  We are seriously spoiled!  Ever since we went to Hawaii for 5 days, it has been a lot easier to stay 1-2 nights away.  So bittersweet, I tell ya!

Anyway, here are some pictures to bring up to speed on what else we have been up to lately!
Tot-free vacay for Ben's 30th!

Father's Day weekend with my loves
Papa & Sofie gettin' down on some ribs!
Ceviche with Tata, mmm!
Addi & Sofie reading together

"Ta Da!" as Sofie would say, haha

Postino girl time with my fellow fit mama, Des

my whole world.

Bachelorette festivites!

Cottonwood/Jerome night with my BFF!

sleeping beauty!
End of the month Pizza/Movie night

I will try and update at least monthly, no excuse!  Just a little more challenging now that I also have my FITspiration Mom blog, hehe. :)

Until next time,



Thursday, May 22, 2014

“Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different." -C.S. Lewis

Oh, how I love a good quote!  I chose this one for 2 reasons.  Since my last post, I have noticed just how much our little love has grown up. In just one month, she has expanded her vocabulary and started to do lots of fun, new things!  

Another reason is because I finally put my words into action and started a new blog: FITspiration Mom Yay!  I've always been passionate about health & fitness, & I always love sharing that with anyone who will listen, haha.  Sooo, ta da!  Feel free to check it out, if you wanna ;)

This blog will primarily be about what our little family, mainly Sofie, has been up to. Aaaand pictures galore. (that's a given right?)
Our little family

It seems we have been busy little bees since my last post.  Easter, Birthdays, Mother's Day, vacation, started swim lessons, Tempe Triathlon, and our normal activities. Oh and, getting sick. Boo! But, no one wants to hear about that.
First official Easter Egg Hunt!
We celebrated my older brother's birthday on Easter, Jace turned 3, I turned 29 I mean, I turned 21! Haha.  Kayce  & Hunter turned 14.  Sheesh.  We also took our annual trip to Rocky Point with some of our closest friends, and it was a much needed vacation.  Sofie loved playing in the ocean and pool until nap time.  She is such an easy child to travel with, we really lucked out.
View from our penthouse balcony. Las Palomas Resort on Rocky Point, MX

Cold water, don't care!

Our family enjoying a day at the beach!

Mornings have the perfect little tide pools.

Our last night, the sunsets are ridiculously gorgeous!
I was always told that *one day* Sofie would just start chatting up a storm.  I can't even count how many new words she has learned, but I will try! And as I keep saving my draft for the last 2 days, she keeps learning new words.

Help (she also signs it), Up!, Pleeeeease (which sounds like cheese, haha), Thank You, House, Fishy, Duck, Papa, Nana, Tata, Shay shay (Aunt Michelle), Book, Floower (frow frow)Train & Car noise (choo choo & vroom vroom vroom) Animal noises: Sheep, Pig, Horse, Duck, Wa-wa (water, or she makes a slurping noise), Shoe, D-D-D-D (aka Dora), Boots, Star, Banana, All done (makes a sign), No (ha....), Yes, Lily (her bff), Mmm(when she sees a cup of coffee, haha).

Seriously, all in one month.  It's been so exciting to see her learn and be excited to learn.  After nap time, she grabs a book and brings it to me.  She opens it up and points to everything and looks up at me patiently waiting for me to teach her. I love it!
 What's really a hoot is when she says "Bless You" which sounds like "Shoo shoo" anytime someone sneezes.  Even if she sneezes, she says it.  So freaking adorable.  So we play a game of pretending to sneeze, haha. 
Birthday "Cake & Ice cream" with our immediate families. Mmm!

Spent Mother's Day morning with my amazing mama.

Spent the majority of Mother's day snuggling on the couch with my mini.
Thanks to my parents, Robbie & I were able to go on a date night to...yup, you guessed it: The Keg.  I'm signed up with their emails and got a coupon for 1 free entree up to $25 AAAND they gave me free dessert.  Not just, any dessert; Billy Miner Pie.  You all know it's my fave.  I had a great birthday and welcome the last year of my twenties with open arms.

Last weekend we got to see some of our Hegarty family members at the annual Tempe International Triathlon.  It was so fun, and I think Rob and I felt more prepared this year to compete than previous years.  Our team name was: Tri Anything (Rob-swim Amber-bike & I ran) Good times and great memories!

Here are a few other random pics:
One of my best friends aka Auntie Shan

Sofie got a medal from Little Gym, yay!

Splash pad fun @ San Tan Mall
So yeah, that sums up the highlights of the last month.  We are also in the midst of getting our pool built, which is very exciting!  Sofie is doing so awesome in her swim lessons.  For anyone interested in doing ISR lessons (Infant Self Rescue) you should see Krista with  East Valley Infant Swim.  She is amazing with children and I am very impressed with how quickly Sofie is catching on! 

Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend, only 2 more days. Yay!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mean Green Juice Recipe!

Aloha! Some of you have asked for this recipe, so I thought it would be best to dedicate a blog post for the almighty "Mean Green Juice"  that our family loves.

This is where I originally got my recipe, and changed it up to what works for us!

handful spinach
2-3 stalks of kale
2-3 granny smith apples (any apples, really)
small handful parsley
1/2 lemon*
1-2 cucumbers
*A few quick/personal notes:

Start by using half a lemon and do a taste test once you juice it all and stir.  The first time Rob and I did this with a whole lemon, it made our mouths water. It was very tart.  (and I typically like sour)

2. Peel(I use a potato peeler) or slice off lemon rind leaving some of the white pith

3. To juice small leaves such as parsley/spinach, roll them up into a ball to compact the leaves. I like to follow it up with some apple or cucumber(more water content) so it doesn't get stuck and pushes through easier. Brilliant right? ;)

4. I like to add green grapes or kiwi (if I have them) to make it sweeter OR if I am low on apples
Since I juice for all 3 of us, I actually have doubled this recipe and it makes about 24-30 oz (depending on how big the cucumbers and apples are)

Currently we are using pears instead of apples, and it definitely isn't as sweet.  I recommend adding 1-2 kiwis to balance out the flavor.

Why I love juicing?

So many reasons! 

1. Of course, it's super healthy for you.  This is a guaranteed way for us to make sure we are meeting our fruit/veggie count.

2. Energy boost, with no crash. No "Red Bull", "Rock Star", or "5 Hour Energy" in our house. Don't even need that afternoon coffee break. All we need is some nourishment and hydration from our vitamin-enriched Mean Green Juice!

3. Great "snack".  We eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day and are all about portion control.  This is a great "snack time" replacement.  After Breakfast/Before Lunch (Rob's fave)  or After lunch/Before Dinner (aka when Lex starts to get restless and is dreaming about Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or Cookies'n'Cream ice cream)  It's filling and quite refreshing!

Just to be clear, this is not a "meal replacement" of any sort.  If you want to drink this alongside one of your main meals, that's great too! Trade in that sugary-loaded Diet Coke for a glass of this amazing-ness.

The juicer that we use is the Jack LaLanne Juicer that we bought from Costco a few years back. They still sell it there for $90!  Such a great invesment, and Costco has the best warranty/return policy.  If you plan to juice for a few days, try to use a glass container to keep the juice longer.  It's true that it's best to drink it right after making it, but let's be real. Ain't nobody got time for dat!  I juice enough for 2 days, and juice every other day.  I hit the jackpot and found this awesome glass jug on Amazon and bought 2!  Amazon Prime is my weakness, haha.

Please let me know if you think of any other juicing questions, and let me know what you think if you decide to try it.  Our little Sofie is obsessed and always asks for it after nap time, " Joo Joo Joo" and chugs it. No joke. She is our mini health nut.

Until next time,


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

18 months aka 1 Year & a half ;) and some Baby mama Lex stats

Oh nap time, how I love thee! Time to give a MAJORLY overdue Sofia update.  Little love had her 18 month well check yesterday and she had 1 last shot. Boy, was she pissed.  She got over it 5 minutes later and said "Oh wow!"  This is her new thing.  We bought her a Step2 Sand & Water Table from Costco, and she has been obsessed with it and started to say "Oh, wow!"  I wonder what she will say when we actually put sand & water in it and let her play in the backyard, hehe.

Thanks for setting it up, Daddy!
Here are some stats/new Sofie-isms
Age: 18 months/1 year and a half :)
Stats: 24 lbs 2 oz & 32.68 in tall. Blue eyes & Golden brown hair with some natural highlights
Teeth:12 goin on 14, 2 very stubborn bottom teeth
Favorite Foods: Mean Green Juice, all day! String cheese, mostly all fruit, not big on veggies, but loves the "Baby food pouches" with Kale, Pear, Apple, & Mango
Favorite Word:Uh oh! Also says mama, dada, hello, "oh wow", signs "more" and makes sounds/signs for Elephant, Doggy, Tiger, & Monkey. Says "cheese!" to indicate smiling, haha. Lotsa gibberish too.
Favorite Toys: Non-toys, of course! Sand & Water table, baby stroller and baby, magnets, any type of ball or music maker.
Favorite Activities: Going to the park (yay slide!), playing outside, Little Gym, bath time, running everywhere, reading books, playing at the gym child care, singing to "Frozen" & "Tangled" and ticklefest with daddy.
Other Favorites: Clapping, doing moves to Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, and twirling to Hokey Pokey, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Pixar movies, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Playing peek-a-boo with her blanky. Playing with Riley. Climbing on everything. Being spun around and thrown in the air.  Our child is a daredevil!
What's new? Mostly covered it.  In general, talking more and understanding what we communicate to her.  She is starting to be more affectionate, and Rob and I could literally melt.  Hugging our necks and giving "kisses" at bed time. Having a more solid schedule, until those teeth come around! Started her in Little Gym a few months ago and her balance and climbing skills are getting good! She loves to do a "front roll" somersault. 
My, do our babies grow so fast, here is a quick pic for a comparison:
3 days old versus 18 months old, le sigh

Oh and how could I forget?  No more bottle or binky! I really lucked out with having such an independent child.  Just like with nursing, I slowly weaned her off the bottle first.  The binky was a little harder, especially when she was getting 4 teeth at once!  Well, only 2 that actually broke all the way through.  I stood my ground and just kept her as comfortable as possible,with lotsa mama TLC. Over all, it was easier than I anticipated. 

Other than that, we have been a bunch of busy bees. We have a pretty consistent routine of gym time in the a.m., Little Gym/Library/play dates or errands after and 1 solid nap during mid-day, which is when I catch up on work emails and housewife/mama duties. Sofie has had a few sleepovers at Papa/Gamber's and that has been a real treat.  It was hard the first time, and I'm pretty sure I packed everything she owns...haha. #FTMprobs

Here are some pictures of what we have been up to:
Her fave slide @ Roadrunner Park

Going to the park is her FAVE!

Cousin day with Karlie.  Don't mind us, just singing Frozen... :D
We also managed to go to the Zoo a few times, and now that summer is here, I can't wait to get some splash pad action!
With some of our Little Gym peeps: Ezekiel, Vinny, & Emma

Mean muggers: Sofie, Lily, & Addi

"Look Ma, a giraffe!"
And of course, play dates galore.  This child is like the energizer bunny, I swear it.
BFF time with Lily! Finally got a pic where both are looking and happy.

Kids Club @ San Tan

Play date with our new friend, Emma.  They are a month a part.  Who is who on the top right??

"Baby Brain" class @ Basha Library

Climbing UP the slide, ay yi yi

Being silly together is what we do
"Little Gym" with these adorable "birds"
Some people ask me what I "do" when I stay home.  All of the above and then more.  Being cooped up at home with a very active toddler will make anyone go a little loco.  I absolutely love taking her to new places and meeting new friends. So blessed that I can do that with her at this age.  I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Here are some other randoms:
She likes when mama paints her toes; such a girly girl sometimes!

Matching toes!

"Daddy, can I drive the truck?"

Us every morning, going to our spot: Mountainside Fitness.

Watching *more* Frozen and eating yogurt.
So yeah, I think I've brought us up to speed on the last 4 months.  Rob and I have truly been immersed in our healthy lifestyle with prepping meals, more trips to Sprouts for fresh produce, and making time to exercise.  I'm happy to say that it's paid off for both of us.  This is something I have been passionate about and it has been humbling to "get back to" my pre-baby body.

I gotta be honest, I don't know how accurate that statement is.  Though I "lost" all the weight, it definitely didn't go back the same.  This isn't a bad thing, it just means that it was distributed differently and every person has a unique body/metabolism.  Anyway,  I want to share my progress finally.  Though I was a little unsure about sharing the "before" pic....I remember getting pumped up and motivated by seeing other moms (or anyone who made the decision to get healthy & fit) posting before/after pics.

No more tankini tan, please! Haha
For me, it was all about the journey.  It had it's ups & downs.  Sometimes I would think about how "unfair"  it was when I saw moms that looked like they have never given birth and sport a 2 piece bikini without giving it a thought, while playing with their newborn.  But, the truth is that every body is different. That skinny mini can't help that she has a thinner frame and fast metabolism, just like I can't help that I am 5'4 with a "booty". I got it from my mama ;)

  I accept my body for what it is and work with what it. Those last 7-10 lbs took me the longest to shed, man oh man.  For those of you asking what I have been doing, it actually comes down to incorporating weight training with high intensity cardio.  I find that it's what works best for me. I model my weight training after the Jaime Eason 12 week trainer.

I actually started the program last year, and only made through the end of Phase 2. I can probably tell you a few excuses on why I slowly fell off that band wagon, but it doesn't really matter.  I hopped back on the horse and I did what works for me and my schedule.  For cardio, I tend to do interval training on the treadmill (hate the treadmill). Jog at a good pace, 1 min sprints here and there.  Just enough to get my heart rate down and then back up.  The heart is the most important muscle you have, and you can train it just like you can train your triceps!  I love the Tabata class at my gym, but mostly do T25 or Turbo Fire at home to blitz through some cardio. Sometimes I will do some Power Yoga at the gym. And maybe one day I will take a spin class (idk why I am such a weenie with that)

Oh, and of course, healthy eating.  Rob and I loosely follow the "80/20" rule.  Eat clean 80% of the time, and not-so-healthy the other 20%.  This means a "cheat meal" here or there.  Indulging in dessert when the opportunity presents itself (ummm, Billy Miner Pie @ The Keg please!) and drinking a glass of red wine or a vodka press....or 2....  I think there is a misconception that we are super strict and don't enjoy food/drinks.  We have fun with the healthy foods we make and we switch things up when they get boring. Thank you "80/20 rule"!  Can you guess what our cheat meal is?  PIZZA
Anyway, I think that's a big enough bread crumb to drop on this journey.  Things we are looking forward to are:
1. Going to Rocky Point May 1-5 for much need R&R poolside/beachside
2. We are getting a pool! Should be done in 3 months with plenty of AZ Summer left
3. Easter, birthdays, Mother's Day, etc (hopefully I update before then?)
4. Livin' this blessed life

Ok that last one was cheesy.  But seriously, you only have one life; make it a happy, healthy one.

Until next time,
