Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer Lovin' Update

Hello, hello, hello! Even though it is hotter than a mug out there, I love me some summertime.  Our pool will be swim ready after this weekend and we are so stoked!  I woke up one morning and had this vision of Sofie waking up at 6am (as usual) on a Saturday morning and running into our room to say "Mommy, Daddy, can we go swimming yet? Please! Please!" Hehe
The "Hegarty Retreat"
 We are very proud to share that Sofie has completed her ISR training!  We absolutely LOVE our instructor Krista, with East Valley Infant Swim and continued to go for several weeks after she learned her new skills to get more practice.  I am telling you; this little dolphin loves the water.  Yes, i know, your kid does too.  But for realsies, she seriously really, really, really does.  She has no fear and wants to walk in and swim as soon as we would show up to lessons.  She could be plunged into the water or swallow too much water, and she would come up and float with a smile on her face.  Goofball!

Pic by Krista Fawler

Pic by Krista Fawler

Had so much fun!

Yay ISR!
Since my last post, our little munchkin has turned into a total sponge.  I don't even know where to start.  She has been learning her shapes and especially likes to try and pronounce words like "pentagon" & "octagon".  She is obsessed with flash cards and learning letters too! We absolutely love this phase. She is so eager to learn and picks up things very easily.  I have been trying to curb my "potty mouth" and started to say "Aww man!"  like Swiper says on Dora.  So now I hear, "Oh no!  Aw man!!!"  It's the cutest.thing.ever!

 We have been having an awesome summer so far, but it can be challenging to find "activities" to do with such an active tot.  Playdates galore, and we love it!  Thankfully, we still go to The Little Gym once a week and most recently started an art class in Gilbert called Messy Monsters.  It's great to look forward to meeting up with friends Addi, Emma, and Lily too! Hopefully soon she will be interested in sitting longer than 30 seconds to partake in the actual craft that we do, haha. le sigh
Messy Monsters!
Making a frame for Father's Day!

Holding hands, so adorbs!

Little Gym shenanigans
Tired cuties, Sofie & Emma

Elijah came to visit!

Jace & "his girl" hehe

Playdate @ Vinny's

Zoo Day with cousins Alora & AJ!
Being a stay-at-home mom is a lot busier than some would expect, and I love every minute of it.  I think it has been so good for Sofie to get various types of social interaction, and it is refreshing to have some adult conversations for myself too.  
This weekend Rob & I are headed to Gallup, NM for the Lyson/De Young wedding. Yay! So incredibly happy for them and looking forward to a great celebration.  Sofie will be staying home and Papa & Nana (Gamber) are sweet enough to take care of her while we are gone.  I feel so blessed and grateful that we live so close to the grandparents to be able to do trips & date nights.  We are seriously spoiled!  Ever since we went to Hawaii for 5 days, it has been a lot easier to stay 1-2 nights away.  So bittersweet, I tell ya!

Anyway, here are some pictures to bring up to speed on what else we have been up to lately!
Tot-free vacay for Ben's 30th!

Father's Day weekend with my loves
Papa & Sofie gettin' down on some ribs!
Ceviche with Tata, mmm!
Addi & Sofie reading together

"Ta Da!" as Sofie would say, haha

Postino girl time with my fellow fit mama, Des

my whole world.

Bachelorette festivites!

Cottonwood/Jerome night with my BFF!

sleeping beauty!
End of the month Pizza/Movie night

I will try and update at least monthly, no excuse!  Just a little more challenging now that I also have my FITspiration Mom blog, hehe. :)

Until next time,



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