Monday, June 3, 2013

"Just as we are what we eat physically, we are also what we consume spiritually.” ― Craig Groeschel

I'm happy to say that I feel like I am in "detox mode", and I'm not just talking about my diet. I took the giant step and said "Hi, I'm Lex.  And I'm a facebook-aholic" haha.  But really, awhile back I decided to take a break from good ol FB, and deleted the app on my phone and it was nice to be a little disconnected from social media.  I have many reasons for deleting it, but who wants those boring details?

Anyway,  the whole point of this blog is to keep friends and family up to date on Miss Sofie, and I promise that will happen on a monthly basis (at the least).  I also still have my instagram, and love that it's simply just pictures (which is why I kept my FB around)  So long, old lovahhh!

I'm also happy to report that Rob & I are getting back into our old, healthy lifestyle; full throttle!  I never realized how hard it would be to let go of the bad habits that we developed while I was pregnant and during those first few months with a newborn.  2 1/2 weeks ago, I woke up one day and had enough!  Cleaned out the pantry and fridge and purged all the bad food that tempts me throughout the day.  We have planned our meals ahead, and it has really helped us stay focused.  Pre-made a spinach breakfast casserole that Rob can take on the go and I can eat an hour before I workout.
Most importantly (at least I think so, hehe) we allow ourselves a cheat night.  That means a tasty meal (usually pizza!) and some delicious wine.  Hey, we've earned it right?
Date night @ Vintage 95
So far, I have worked out 5 days a week and stayed true to eating clean. It's been a complete 180 for both of us.  More energy, no more icky bloat feeling, happier, more alert, and on the road to a better version of ourselves. Maybe we can consider this our halfway-through-the-year resolution.  Who says you hafta wait until January 1st to start?

We've recently discovered cooking with quinoa (yes, i live under a rock) and love it!  I love the fact that the leftovers are just as delish; unlike instant brown rice. We've already made these yummy Quinoa & Ground Turkey Stuffed Peppers. Don't forget to add a few splashes of Cholula (a main staple in our household)

I saved my favorite recipe for last, it's a part of the Paleo diet (don't ask, hehe). Seriously though, has to be the best thing I've ever cooked.  I felt like I was in my own little restaurant and Rob was in heaven: Lemon Garlic Shrimp over Cauliflower Mash 

If you know me, you know that mashed potatoes is on my top 3 list of favorite foods, probably #1...but is a side dish allowed to be a favorite food? Ah hell, in my world it is.  I stand corrected: mashed potatoes is my favorite food! Haha.  With minced garlic, and some parmesan cheese; me oh my, sooo scrumptious!

Man, it feels good to feel good! The ultimate test will be the next few nights, now that Sofie is teething again. Teething=waking up several times a night (similar to the "early days" of a newborn) Really hoping it will be over soon, poor little babes.  ((and poor sleep-deprived mama))  Here she is showing me her "teething face" and her "omg, baby einstein is on!" face

Ok, gonna jump back a few weeks (since I've been meaning to update).  We had an awesome time at the Tempe Triathlon, it's been a tradition to get as many of the Hegarty's together to participate or come out and support. 


Last year, I was pregnant with our little love and had just revealed that she was a she. ;).  My bestest, Monica, made Sofie a custom onesie with the Hegarty crest on it with a matching headband.  So freaking cute!

Always bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the mornings!

Top'o the mornin'!
Since she is an early bird, she did really well with waking up at 5am (only an hour before normal, ha!) and being out in about until almost 11. Our baby is a rock star, hehe.
Cousin Karlie loves to help

Yay Daddy!

She loves her Auntie Shay shay
Our little family

Rob, Chris(FIL), Michelle(SIL), and Nick (BIL)

Papa & Sofie
We've been keepin busy with some play dates lately too.  Not only is it adorable to see the little ones together, but us mamas love(need) the adult interaction as well.
Sofie, London, & Lily

Sofie and twin boys Ethan & Connor

Tio Javy & Tia Cathy

Lunch date with Auntie Shan!

Story time with Auntie Bre

We feels so blessed that Sofie has such wonderful people in her life, related or otherwise.  I think it's so important for her to spend time with the people that will encourage her, uplift her and make her happy.

Other random pics:
Double date night with Joan & Jody

Super Dad!
 I hafta really say that Rob has stepped up to the plate.  Even thought I do get Friday mornings to myself, while my mom babysits, it's often filled with appointments, errands, and grocery shopping (which is great to get done without a baby in tow)  But, I'm often running around like a crazy lady trying to squeeze it all in, down to the minute.  I am so lucky that we have this open communication, and I can tell him my raw feelings without feeling like I might be judged or seen different.  Lately, he has been taking the initiative(without me asking, because I can be stubborn..haha) with Sofie and saying "Here, I'll feed her dinner and give her a bath."  I even ventured out one night to do some leisurely shopping while he did the whole night routine, even putting her to bed.  We are a team, and I think that's why we have been able to overcome many obstacles throughout our relationship.  I just wanted to express my gratitude for having a wonderful husband that puts his words into actions.

Anywho, I'm running out of time, and will be updating in another week! So, onto more peektures:

Love those ponytails!

Watching Monster's Inc (her fave!)

All the girls from softball: Joan, Lindsey, Michelle, Desiree, & Stephanie!

Things to look forward to:

*Brazilian Bull for my mom's birfday dinner, yum!
*Sofie turning 8 months (really?!)
*Looking at houses to buy, eek!
*Rocky Point with some of our Infusionite friends
*The Mesmans moving to AZ
*4th of July up north
*Reaching my next Operation: MILF goal. I'm more focused on how I fit in my clothes, but my goal is to lose 3 lbs in the next week-ish.

Namaste (until next week)



  1. Awe we made the pictures for a play date! :). Once the boys are sitting up ill have to stop by with them! I'm so looking forward to this accomplishment. She is such a doll. I'm a Facebook alcoholic too! Eek :/. But all of Tim's family is on there and not these blogs or Instagram :(.

    1. They will be sitting up and crawling before you know it! I totally know what you mean about FB, so I've made sure my family has instagram and have emailed the link to some of rob's family that is out of state. Luckily, we are both from here and whoever wants to visit with Sofie is always welcome to come on by!
