Probably top 3 of the most traumatic things I’ve ever been through, but I really am glad that we could be right by her side. So many mixed emotions, and so many “what-ifs” have crossed both our minds. I just can’t believe she is gone, I miss her. Just everyday routines have made me really miss her. Finding her fur on my clothes (she drove me nuts when she rubbed her body on our clean clothes in the closet) to locking doors because she knew how to open them. I never thought it would be this hard to lose a pet. Sure, I’ve lost family pets….but, this cut us really deep. Our dogs are our furkids! Ok, let’s pep it up. The comforting notion is that she is no longer suffering, because let me tell you; this pup could never catch a break. She was always still so happy, considering. We saved her from being euthanized at a puppy mill, and gave her 4 years she otherwise would have never had. She is now in doggy heaven with a new set of lungs frolicking in the meadows and cuddling with our 2 angel babies and other loved ones. This thought makes me smile.

Mmk, soooo…we are less than 2 weeks away from being “full term”. Holy.crap.Shit.just.got.real. Hahaha. I just can’t believe we are so close to meeting our precious Sofia! Besides a few select items we would like to get, we are ready. Finally scheduled a hospital tour for next week, bought our stroller and car seat (jogger stroller, woo!), and got myself a cute overnight bag to pack (the brand is Roxy. So fitting). Jody is putting together a betting pool to guess 1. Date & Time 2. Weight & Length. I’m curious as to when she will be ready to make her entrance. Maybe end of September? Who knows!
I’m probably more ready than Rob, because being pregnant is not easy towards the end (for me, pretty much for the majority of it) All the moms forget that part, and that’s why I have this blog! It’s true what they say; the 2nd trimester is/was the best. What I’ve learned, though, is that each pregnancy is different. Gotta take all the information, advice, and suggestions with a grain of salt and make sure you try and have a smile on your face. Enjoy the ride, even if it gets bumpy. Or in my case, gives you 94 days of vertigo and nausea! I shudder at the thought, haha. Here are this weeks preggers stats:

Baby is the size of a: honeydew melon (18 in & 5.25 lbs)
Total weight gain: 42 lbs
Maternity clothes: non-maternity comfy skirts and comfy tank tops. or naked (my preference! haha)
Stretch marks? Just a few, which is a pleasant surprise
Sleep: ehh, starting to get uncomfortable (potty breaks, carpal tunnel and pelvic pressure)
Best moment this week: OB appt-hearing baby’s heart beat is always wonderful aaaand rob coming home from the man trip.
Miss Anything? having energy, this baby has been growing lots in the last 2-3 weeks. sooo.tirrred.
Movement: Yup! Poor babe is trying to find room to stretch out. Oh, and daily hiccups.
Food cravings: Pizza (duh) Nature Valley Granola Bars. Anything sweet. My appetite (sweet tooth) is insatiable lately. Eek!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing different. been popping more tums lately
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope. Still need a few weeks of cookin’ time!
Symptoms: the usual: back aches, arm/leg cramps, pelvic pressure(ow!), carpal tunnel, a little tummy ickiness, burps and fatigue. aaand finally the swelling has come. like, for reals this time. haha
Belly Button in or out? Kinda flat, sometimes pops out depending on how I’m sitting
Wedding rings on or off? Off. My poor sausage fingers.
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, of course. more emotional lately, but it’s probably because I miss my roxy girl
Looking forward to: Ultrasound next week sometime, I just love seeing her sweet face and am curious about how big she is and keeping my fingers crossed that she is head down (fairly confident based on her hiccups)

As you can see, I'm running out of clothes to wear! I kinda refuse to buy anymore and could care less if my belly peeks out at the bottom. Haha. I love using the excuse of being pregnant to get away with stuff. Lately, I've been saying "Who's gonna argue with a pregnant lady?!" Or "Can't judge a pregnant lady!" Haha, I think Rob has to bite his tongue a little.
Mmk, time to do something with my life today. Make some juice and do a little bit of housework. So. tired. Blah
Until next week,
Baby Mama Lex
P.S. I wanted to take a moment of silence to honor one of the most extraordinary women I've had the pleasure of knowing. Joyce Anne Ware Longfellow aka Grandma Lolly. I will always remember how welcome she made me feel, including me as if I was her own grandchild. She has touched and inspired so many lives, it is unbelievable. She truly exemplified the meaning of living life to it's fullest, with love and happiness. She was an entrepreneur, a dreamer, a do-er, and most of all; all about her family. I feel honored to have known her for the last 12-13 years. My heart goes out to her close family and friends, and I continue to pray for all those that grieve and miss her divine soul. Thank you for making this world a more beautiful place.
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