I always thought (or secretly hoped) I would be one of those women that would *absolutely* love being pregnant. I was very confident about a few things. For example: "I'm definitely going to continue to be as active as I am and continue my healthy lifestyle." Easy peasy right? Wrong. Most of you know that I'm into fitness & nutrition, even if I have a glorified sweet tooth. I was consistently working out 5 days a week. Lotsa running, incorporating p90x and insanity, starting to get into yoga, and enjoying my Monday night indoor soccer. I had a good thing going with my 5 small perfectly-portioned meals per day. le sigh. Seems like sucha distant memory for me now. But that's the beauty of pregnancy, it can knock you on your ass and you will get back up and brush it off. You might even smile afterwards. Not even 2 weeks after finding out we were pregnant, I was taken prisoner by whom I commonly refer to as the "nausea monster". For the next 94 days (yes, i counted!), my life was plagued by this monster.
My morning sickness was more like All Day Sickness. Kinda felt like I went on Space Mountain 10x in a row and that vertigo/motion sickness stuck around until I laid my poor head to sleep. It was the most challenging part of this pregnancy, hands down. Needless to say, working out 5x a week dwindled rather quickly. Eating was a whole other ball game. I lost 6 lbs in one week from being so sick. I had to listen to my body better. Instead of trying to eat my usual go-to meals (which made me feel more nauseous), I did what I could to survive. Turns out, eating pizza 4-5 days a week is what put me back on track. Poor Rob couldn't cook much, since the smell drove me bonkers. I don't think he even realized how challenging it would be, but we stuck through it together! Not to drone on about this more, but I also tried virtually any remedy I could get my hands on (don't even mention the word ginger to me). Tried 2 prescriptions that are apparently miracle workers for other women. Nothing helped. Well, I stand corrected. B6 and 1/2 of a sleeping pill 3x a day (considered safe by my Dr) actually helped. But I was a complete zombie. Lesser of 2 evils? Nah. I decided to suck it up and not take unnecessary meds and pray that it would go away soon. What was even harder to deal with was feeling so miserable, when I was supposed to be on Cloud 9. I didn't realize how many times people ask pregnant women "How are you feeling?!" After awhile, I slapped a smile on my face and said "Oh, feeling fine!" Trying to hold back tears and the real truth. I really thought it was gonna be like this all 9 months! Luckily, my precious Sofia must have heard my prayers and the week of my birfday and the gender reveal party; it magically went away. She really must love her mama. Finally, after 3 months aka 12 weeks aka 94 days; I could finally enjoy the 2nd trimester. Yay!
Ever since then, I have mostly enjoyed this pregnancy. Seeing her sweet face at the ultrasound appointments. Listening to her strong heartbeat. Feeling her kick and move around to remind me that all this sacrifice will be worth it. It makes all the other things so much more tolerable.
It's been humbling to watch my body change and to gain more weight than anticipated. Yes, I got the boobs I always wanted! haha. Aaaand I probably jinxed myself when I said "I don't care if I gain 90 lbs, as long as I have a healthy baby!". Thanks a lot universe, I was exaggerating. sheesh. But really, it's true. Even the nausea monster was a blessing. I was too busy being nauseous to worry if 3rd time was really the charm on finally becoming a mother. The journey to get to this point in my life has helped me accept how unexpected this pregnancy has been. Trust me, I have my moments where I throw myself a pity party (hormones, hello!). At the end of the day, I am just thankful that both baby girl and I are healthy. Not high risk. No gestational diabetes. Placenta moved back to where it belongs. Baby is no longer breech. Hallelujah! Gotta always look at the bright side. I guess all I can say is you really do need to roll with the punches, take any and all advice with a grain of salt. Don't feel guilty for not *absolutely* loving being pregnant. You're only human. Most importantly, remember that it is only temporary!
And here I sit, watching Sex & The City re-runs trying to take it easy. Feeling as exhausted and as uncomfortable as ever. With a smile on my face, because we finally made it. We are officially full term, meaning she can come anytime and will be healthy. God, I am so grateful.
I mean, look at this sweet lil face!
Hokay. Pregnancy stats!

Baby is the size of a: watermelon! (19.3 in & 6.3 lbs)
Total weight gain: 47 lbs and proud, what can I say?
Maternity clothes: non-maternity comfy skirts and comfy tank tops. or naked (my preference! haha)
Stretch marks? Still the same ones on the bottom of my belly, and one each hip.
Sleep: still not the best. I started to take more naps, but then I don’t get to bed on time, sheesh.
Best moment this week: Getting to see our little love on the ultrasound! She is just perfect
Miss Anything? a lot! mostly just feeling normal. it’s hard to explain, blah
Movement: oh yes. she is a night owl and these kicks are fierce. even makes rob jump when he feels them, haha
Food cravings: Pizza. Burgers. Frosty. Sweets. More sweets. J&K Chinese food. Nature Valley Bars. Cookies & Cream hersheys kisses! Did I mention sweets? I’ve been naughty.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing different. still feel icky after most meals. suuucks
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope. A few Braxton Hicks, I think?
Symptoms: the usual: back aches, arm/leg cramps, tons of pelvic pressure(ow!), carpal tunnel, a little tummy ickiness, burps and fatigue. aaand swelling, the fingers on my right hand have been tingly/numb for over a week now. And more fatigue, WTH!
Belly Button in or out? Kinda flat, sometimes pops out depending on how I’m sitting
Wedding rings on or off? Off. My poor, tingly sausage fingers.
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy AND moody, I am pregnant people! haha
Looking forward to: next OB appt to see if there are any changes. Oh and for this adorable girl sock monkey hat I ordered on etsy for Sofia’s newborn photo shoot. It’s the small things in life, hehe
It's kinda crazy that this will be one of my last times updating a belly shot with stats. I'm giddy just thinking about the big day. I really can't wait!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
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