Friday, October 26, 2012

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." ~Rajneesh

Oh, how true this quote is!  Motherhood has definitely changed me as a person, and baby Sofia has already taught me things about myself, life, and love. She makes me want to be the best mama that I can be!

Here's our little monkey, already 2 weeks old!

It was tough to get a pic of her with her eyes open, I think she was going through a growth spurt on this particular day.  Speaking of growing, baby girl is back on track with her weight.  9 lbs 3 oz and 22 inches long (as of Monday) Yay! It's been nice to get more than 1 hour-ish of sleep.  Let's just say we shouldn't have an issue going forward, she is hungry little hippo and is a great eater.  So far, we are on a pretty consistant schedule of eating every 2 1/2-3 hours. Such a good little babe.  Not to mention she can sleep through anything.  I'm sure she heard Riley's deep bark and Rico's high-pitched yap in utero, haha.

Ok, so we had quite the adventure last Sunday taking newborn pics.  A huge thank you to Monique with Monique Hessler Photography for being so patient, and capturing such amazing pics of our precious girl. 


I'm really excited to document Sofie's monthly growth with these awesome stickers I found on etsy

Here's a picture from today, just loungin around with mama on a gorgeous October morning.

Gosh, I love our little monkey.  It's crazy how we've noticed how much she has already grown in 2 weeks.  Already having certain personality traits and habits.  This picture, for example, she always makes her way to the left side of the bassinet.  Never fails.  It's like her 3rd boob, haha.

Mmk, time to feed the pups.

Stay tuned!


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