Thursday, November 15, 2012

One month old!

Wowie Maui, I can't believe it has already been one whole month since our little love made her debut.  You know what they say, time flies when you're having fun. It has truly been amazing watching her grow up right before our eyes. Though motherhood has been rather exhausting so far, it is the best job in the world.  I'm forever thankful that Rob is providing for us, so that I can be home with her.

It has been a learning experience.  Eat. Sleep. Repeat.  I knew Copeland was trying to prepare me for something! I always thought my type A personality would get the best of me, and I would try and plan perfectly how to take care of this baby. Get her on a clear routine of sleeping and eating at the same time. But, now that I'm on the nitty gritty, it's refreshing to just relax and go with the flow. Within reason, of course.  Just when I think I've got it down, little Sofie throws me a curve ball.  For example: on friday night she fed hourly from 6pm until 2pm Saturday.  Literally.  Nothing else would really soothe her.  Oh em gee, I was exhausted.  Not the best timing, since my BFF from out of state, Monica, and her son were visiting.  Oy vey.  Talk about a major growth spurt. It was worth it though, because she has been going longer in between feedings.

Here is a recap of what I've learned as a new mom in the 1st month of:
-It's true when the proverbial *they* say to sleep when the baby sleeps.  Seriously.  Even if it's only a 30 minute nap.
-We are creatures of habit, listen to your baby and look for cues of what works for him/her.  Every baby is different. Sounds simple enough, right?
-Breastfeeding is amazing, once you get the gist of it.  Don't give up, both you & baby are learning together and it doesn't happen overnight.
-A bottle of pumped milk is more valuable to you when your hubby offers to take a feeding shift.  I thought enjoying a margarita would be more fun. Haha, ok so I'm totally joking.  But really, if hubby offers to take a feeding or entire night: pump those boobies and get some sleep!
-On the same note, accept help when offered.  This isn't the time to be accommodating to guests or polite.  Yes, you can wash my dishes. Of course I would love for you to bring us dinner. Don't forget your *Please & Thank You's*

This came across one of my daily bits of info on my Baby Center App:
So true! I seriously don't know how my body can function after 5 weeks of intermittent sleep, but I'm thankful that it can. Photo bomb time!

Sofia turned 3 weeks old exactly on Halloween.  Here are a few awesome pics:

 It worked perfectly when we found out Karlie dressed up as Cinderella.  Too cute!
 Look at our little Snow White.  A special thanks to our cousins Megan & Emma for sending such an adorable costume!
I had a great weekend with Monica and Jace visiting, and I can't wait til they move back to AZ.  Here is a pic of Auntie Mo and Sofia.
And of course silly Jace, being a total boy and getting into everything. He managed to fit inside Rico's tiny kennel! Haha
 Jace watching his mommy hold baby Sof and unsure of how to react, hehe. Oh, and Mr. Rico.
 Trying to soothe Sofia, it was a rough weekend for the children. Ha!
 Jace & Uncle Rob playing in Sofia's room.

Sofia turned 1 month old on Saturday and we took our first of many "progression" pictures.  Very similar to my belly shots. Look how cute our little monkey is!
 Here is a collage of her many faces.  I am a typical obsessed mom and take a gazillion pics and think that every single one is the cutest. Gosh, I just love her!

The board reads she weighs 11 lbs, because we weighed her at home (rob weighed himself and then held her and weighed himself again.  we is smart)
Per the pediatrician, here are the stats:
*10 lbs 12 oz and is in the 87th percentile
*23 inches long and is in the 94th percentile (whoa!)
*Head circumference is in 80th percentile (didn't catch the #)

I had a feeling she had a major growth spurt, lengthwise.  She has officially grown out of newborn onesies already.  *tear* The 0-3 or 3 month onesies fit perfectly in length, still a little baggy in the chest area. The tech had to come in to re-measure her to make sure she did it correctly. Looks like she may have inherited the Hegarty torso & legs.  She will probably be in the Olympics too, boom!

A quick look of progression.  Top left to right: Day of birth, 1 week old, 2 weeks old.  Bottom left to right: 3 weeks old, 4 weeks old.
 Last picture to share today: Daddy & Daughter time is super special for Rob after a hard day's work.  I love seeing his face light up when he gets to love on his little princess.  It melts my heart.
One significant thing I've noticed is that she is starting to smile a lot more, it's adorable.  I can't wait to see what she does next.

On another note, we have had a crazzzzyyyy week. On tuesday night, the dogs were running around, as usual, and Riley accidentally stepped on Rico.  This time, he got him good (as there have been many close calls.)  We thought it was his left leg, since he was dragging it more.  Turns out it was his spine, and *Thank God* it isn't fractured.  I'm so thankful to Caring Hearts Clinic for always being so honest with us and with their services.  He was discharged last night with steroids, and this will hopefully help him heal quicker.  I can already see a difference in him today, he is walking a little better.  Tile proves to be a little more challenging, poor little dude.  Once he is healed up, my parents have agreed to take him.  I'm gonna miss seeing his big, bug eyes and radar-like ears every day, but am so happy I can visit him when I want.  These 2 dogs love each other, but it's too hard for them to co-exist.  Especially with a newborn.  He will have a lot more fun with Sushi (my parent's havanese mix), and can finally play with someone his own size.

I guess I lied when I said no more pics.  I've been snuggling him more, hoping mama bear's love will help heal him quicker.  He loves to be on my belly, and it was funny to watch him try to get comfy on a flatter surface when he is used to my big ol preggers belly.

Ok, so I realized I should probably update more often since I just love posting pictures. I told you, I'm obsessed.

Before I sign off, I just wanted to express how unbelievably happy I am to hear that one of my childhood friends is expecting her first baby.  It has been a challenging journey for her, and I have been praying to hear such wonderful news.  I continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy for her little miracle.  Go Team Baby W!

Baby girl's morning nap will be ending soon, so I better go eat some food and get some shtuff done around the house.

Until next time,



  1. THANK YOU for that super sweet shoutout!!!
    I had all these organized thoughts of what I was going to respond, and then I read that and my eyes teared up a little and I lost track of everything else I was going to say.. haha. so here's a few unorganized comments:

    I'm sad but happy that Rico is heading to your parents! I agree it'll be a better environment and you'll still get to visit. win win for all!

    Sofia is gorgeous, I love the top right on the many-faces-collage, she's like "whatchu lookin' at??"

    And most importantly, I am so happy for you getting to enjoy mommyhood! That little girl is going to have so much fun with you as she continues to grow.

    Love you all <3

    1. But of course! Your happy news seriously made my day <3 I hope the nausea monster gets real and moves on. I can't wait for you to experience lil frijolito moving and some of the joys that come with pregnancy (they do exist! haha)

      Love and miss you!

  2. Love this entry. You can really see how much she's grown and changed since birth!! I love the picture you took yesterday in her pink "adorable" outfit. I already miss y'all!
    -Auntie Mo

    1. Thanks bestest! We miss you and Mr. Jace too. I love taking a million pictures, you can really see her change. Le sigh, I'm already packing away her NB stuff. Sadface!

      Love you!

  3. I love your blog! Its giving me tips for when my babies are born! Myou are already one great mama!

    1. Thanks Jessica! I hope to see you update more, it will keep you busy on bed rest! Hope you and the boys are doing well and I can't wait til you can experience meeting them for the first time. It is euphoric! Well, I can wait until they are nice and ready to come. You know what I mean, haha.
