The weekends seem to go by way too quick, as usual. Hmmph! But, it just means we are busy having fun! Last weekend Rob was actually excited to *finally* catch up on yard work and he re-seeded the grass and planted some hibuscus. We also worked on tidying up the office/den (always a work in progress) and had some fun along the way. Saturday was pretty perfect (in our eyes). All 3 of us slept in until almost 8 (yes, this is sleeping in!) and lounged around until Schnepf Farms. I love making new memories with our little family! Sofie insisted on walking/running around all over and exploring.
"Daddy, I'm a big girl...I got this!" |
She really liked playing with hay and touching the dirt/rocks. Can NOT wait until she is over the whole "ooh-let's-put-this-in-my-mouth" stage, sheesh.
Pumpkin! |
Singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" for the umpteenth time |
We went on a train ride, woo hoo! She was just soaking it all in and even reached her hand out to try and touch the passing leaves/shrubbery. Silly little lady, just love her.
Daddy's girl! xoxo |
Right before the train ride! |
| |
Trying to touch the passing tree. |
Pumpkin patch time! |
Very curious little monkey. |
As much as I live in the moment, I can't help but be even more excited for what's to come once she is old enough to understand or enjoy certain things. For now, I will soak up having her be this little.
Last week was a little crazy, in addition to our "usual routine" of gym, dance, library, play dates, and normal errands/house duties; I'm excited to announce that I have a part time job working from home. Jason (one of our best friends & my twinsie!) approached me with an opportunity to make some extra cash doing some sales admin/order processing/misc shtuff for his company, Insider. Why not, right? Though I am extremely blessed and grateful that we can afford to have me stay home with our munchkin, I simply couldn't turn it down. We'll be able to pay off our truck quicker and save up, maybe have some play money ;)
This weekend has been pretty awesome too. It was the first weekend we didn't have anything planned since we have moved! It's been pure craziness since we bought our house in August, so it's been a treat to wind down and not have an agenda. The office/den is coming together nicely. It moved up on my priority list now that it will be my work area. I'm sucha nerd for office shtuff. Damn you Lisa Frank! Hahaha
Time to enjoy the rest of our Sunday Funday!
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