How is it already November? Seriously though, this whole year has flown by and the holiday season has crept up on me. I know I'm a week late, but here are the highlights of what we have been up to and of course, HALLOWEEN pics!
Sofie loves to run around outside! |
Realizing grass isn't so bad after all ;) |
We were introduced to a free baby dance class by our friends Samantha & Addi. Though it's 30 minutes of organized chaos, I think it will be great for Sofie once she is a little older and can follow instructions better. For now, I love watching her run around like crazy nut and stare at her reflection in the mirror. Plus, mama gets to have some adult interaction with some fellow mamas. Yay!
Dance class with Addi & Lily! |
Now that we are past the triple digit/high 90's..we get to go outside more. Sofie absolutely LOVES her 4 in 1 trike that Papa & Gambers bought her for her birfday. Isn't it the coolest? We use it to check the mail and go to the playground near our house.
Fall-la-la-la-la time is the best! |
Ok, time for some Halloween pics! I really wanted to dress Sofie like "Boo" from Monster's Inc, as a little monster. Mostly because it was her very first "favorite movie" and she has similar features. But alas, I am still a novice crafter....and I don't really know how to sew. I use my hot glue gun and thats about it. So I finally made a compromise to at least try and make something.
I was at Baby Town one day, and found a super adorable owl knitted hat. I decided to build her costume around this adorable hat.
Went on pinterest and this is what I made.
I already had a white long sleeved onesie lying around, so I went to Hobby Lobby and spent a few dollars on some felt sheets. I hand drew the "feathers" and pretty much hot glued it all together and
TaDa! I also bought some knit fabric to make a no-sew cape, but ran out of time and decided to call it a day. End of the month makes me feel like a single mother sometimes...makes me grateful for a great hubby & daddy to our little love the other 3-ish weeks of the month. Thankfully my SIL Amanda came to babysit so I could treat myself to a mani-pedi. Thanks Auntie M! Anyway, I put her in her birfday tutu, colorful pants, and shoes she already owns. Now I really feel like a frugal mama. I don't think I spent more than $20 and I can re-use all of it (less the onesie)
We had a pretty great Halloween. Went to Michelle's so Rob's side of the fam could see our cute little owl, Rob made it home in time to trick-or-treat with us in our new neighborhood, and had dinner with most of my family to celebrate my Dad's birfday.
Cousins Karlie, Kayce, & Hunter. We bribed Sofie with a croissant roll! haha |
Happy Birthday Dad! |
Since I wasn't sure how well my half-assed owl onesie would hold up, I had to make sure Miss Sofie was festive during the day with this getup.
Obsessed with the yellow pumpkins |
Cutest little Jack-O-Lantern ever! |
Tried to be creative with some of the decor I had. |
We also went to our first "Kids Club" @ San Tan Mall. So thankful for fellow mamas, like Samantha, that share all their fun ideas! Though it consisted of me running after Miss OTG (on the go) as she ran a mock run all over the place, I'm happy to know about another neat thing to do with her when she is older.
Addi & Sofie @ October's Kids Club |
Rob decided to take a few days off once the "end of the month" craziness was over. He has been working his booty off, so I'm glad he did. We initially wanted to go up north, which turned into maybe a day trip? which turned into another "no agenda" go with the flow weekend. It was nice until both him & Sofie got sick. I can honestly say that Rob doesn't turn into a big baby when he is sick (like most men *apparently* do) So, I knew it was bad. He got food poisoning from our brunch date to BLD. Yuck! Poor guy was in the fetal position for hours on end, and Sofie was also not feeling well from her tummy. Needless to say, we were quarantined and I almost wanted to get myself a mask to ensure I escaped the sickness. Thankfully, I think I'm in the clear and both of my sickies are on the mend. Back to the fun stuff; had a mini "date night" and enjoyed wine and burgers with some friends, did a little shopping at the Phoenix Outlets, went to Freestone park for a "Be Healthy Gilbert" festival, and of course, gave the new house some TLC and hung up play room shelves & decor. Caught up on some movies & How I Met Your Mother (love that show!), and I guess pretty much vegged out.
Cousin Karlie & Sofie hangin out at San Tan Mall |
San Tan Mall outdoor play area fun! |
Freestone Park! |
My whole world |
Daddy came to dance class with us |
Little Miss Sickie |
Both my sickies watching "Tangled" |
So happy both my sickies are feeling better. Rob probably should have taken another sick day, but that's near impossible when you are in sales. He is pretty determined to earn his spot for the President's Club trip and make some major mula. He is a go-getter! ;)
Playground fun |
Still not sure about keeping sunglasses on, haha. |
And just because I love damask and this black/white/red combo:
I'm sure I've mentioned this, but Little Miss is starting to get picky about what she eats/drinks. She basically loves her milk aaaaand the "Mean Green" juice that I make for Rob & I. It's so funny!
I have tried to give her orange or apple juice, alone or diluted, and she just drops her sippy cup and gives me a "you're-kidding-right?" look. She is a girl that knows what she wants. Oh, and pedialyte was not an option either. But, daddy's orange Gatorade was acceptable (for 1 day, haha) It's just so funny to see her reaction to certain things, she is so dramatic! It makes me laugh (and throw my hands up).
Ok, back to the photo-explosion. We also had a play date with Paulina and Baby E while they were in town. Seriously, so cute! Kinda made me baby crazy for a nano second, then I realized I can barely keep my life together with my little energizer bunny.
Sofia & Elijah! |
"Hey ma, remember when I was small enough to play here?!" |
PS It's time to child proof our cabinets, yikes!
Here is the last pic I shall leave you with. What's sweeter than a sleeping baby? Can't think of anything, to be honest ;) Look at those cheeks!
On a personal note, training at my new job is going well. Can't wait to get my own groove so I can get back to my usual "Type-A OCD" routine. What is wrong with me?! Hahaha
Much love!
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